Public Transportation offers substantial annual savings of over US$13,000: APTA Report

Krishtina D'Silva Posted on: 2023-10-03 06:15:00 Viewer: 1,856 Comments: 0 Country: United States City: New York

Public Transportation offers substantial annual savings of over US$13,000: APTA Report

New York, United States (Urban Transport News):  In a time of escalating costs and surging gasoline prices, a recent report from the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) brings welcome news: opting for public transportation instead of driving can put more than $13,000 back into the pockets of Americans.

The latest Transit Savings report, unveiled by the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), underscores that individuals who choose public transportation can realize significant annual savings, amounting to over $13,000. This equates to approximately $1,100 each month. The substantial financial benefit arises as a response to the escalating costs associated with car ownership and the soaring gasoline prices that have gripped the nation.

While monthly public transit fares have maintained their stability since 2020, the expenses linked to both new and used cars have undergone a noticeable surge since the onset of the pandemic. This cost escalation is further compounded by increasing financing expenses due to interest rate hikes. Concurrently, gasoline prices have seen a sharp uptick due to supply constraints and heightened demand.

APTA, in partnership with public transportation agencies spanning the nation, is actively advocating for individuals to embrace public transit as an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative. Opting for public transportation instead of maintaining a personal vehicle can translate to a substantial reduction in carbon dioxide emissions—up to 30%.

Paul P. Skoutelas, President and CEO of APTA, commented on the report, stating, "As the rising cost of living continues to impact U.S. households, public transportation offers an economical and climate-friendly alternative to reduce daily expenses. By choosing to ride public transit, individuals can significantly cut down on their monthly transportation expenses. Whether it’s commuting to work, running errands, or keeping appointments, public transit is a practical and budget-friendly choice."

This report underscores not only the economic advantages of public transportation but also its role in promoting sustainability and mitigating the financial burdens associated with car ownership and fuel expenses. For many Americans, opting for public transportation can be a smart and eco-conscious choice in the face of mounting transportation costs.

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