Ahmedabad Janmarg BRTS bags 'Most Admired BRTS in India' Award 2022

UTN Online Desk Posted on: 2022-12-23 11:05:00 Viewer: 2,089 Comments: 0 Country: India City: New Delhi

Ahmedabad Janmarg BRTS bags 'Most Admired BRTS in India' Award 2022

New Delhi, India (Urban Transport News): Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd. (AJL) has been conferred with "Most Admired BRTS in India" Award in ‘Transit & Mobility’ category at the 2nd Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2022 held on 7th November 2022 at India International Centre, New Delhi. 

The award was given at a grand ceremony - 2nd Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2022 hosted by Urban Infra Group on 7th November 2022 at India International Center, New Delhi, India. The award ceremony was attended by dignitaries from the nodal ministries, government departments, public sector undertakings (PSUs), and industry leaders from the leading multi-national companies (MNCs) engaged in developing major urban infrastructure in India.

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation has incorporated "Special Purpose Vehicle" called Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd in order to run and to operate BRTS buses. Ahmedbad Janmarg Ltd is registered under Companies Act, 1956 and is 100% subsidiary of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. In order to provide faster, reliable, eco friendly and advanced Public Transportation Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd is committed to operate and run BRTS services for the citizen of Ahmedabad.

Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd is responsible to operate buses, to decide fare, to maintain bus lanes and to maintain bus shelters. Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd also gets advertisement rights across BRTS route and provides Pay & Park facilities to the citizen of Ahmedabad.
Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd has won many accolades for the implementation of sustainable BRTS Operation such as National Award for "Best Mass Transit Rapid System Project " 2009" from Government of India, International Award for "Sustainable Transport Award " 2010" at Washington DC, USA,International Award for "Outstanding Innovations in Public Transportation " 2010" from UITP, Germany,National Award for "Best Innovation Project Towards Improvement in Urban Mobility in the City of Ahmedabad through New Technological Innovations in Janmarg BRTS " 2010" from Government of India, International Award for Design " "Daring Ambition Award and Knowledge and Research Award "; 2011" at 59th UITP World Congress, Dubai,National Award for "Award for Excellence in the category of Best ITS Project " 2011" from Government of India, International Award for "Momentum For Change 2012" was given by United Nations in the light house activities confrence, held on 5th December 2012 at Doha, Qatar,Ahmedabad Janmarg Limited -AJL has won one award at 60th UITP World Congress, Geneva on 27th May, 2013. AJL-AMC have received award in the category of `UITP India Political Commitment Award". This award was given by Mr. Peter Hendy, President Elect UITP, in the presence of other UITP delegates from all over the world and delegates from India,Markenomy Awards 2013- Award for " Best Urban Infra Mass Transport Project" from Falcom Media at Mumbai, 26th Sept 2013,HUDCO Award for best practices to improve the living environment February 2014 At New Delhi,UITP Award Milan Italy June 2015 Finalist Public Transport Strategy Award AMC Ahmedabad India and After taking the charge of ITMS by Smart City we have won another 5 awards.
The Urban Infra Business Leadership Awards are given to corporate and individual leaders in recognition and honor for their extraordinary contribution to developing major infrastructure projects in India through their innovative ideas, products, and services. A total of 41 (9 individuals and 32 corporate) were felicitated with the 2nd Urban Infra Business Leadership awards.
The 1st edition of Urban Infra Business Leadership Awards was held virtually in 2020 due to the countrywide pandemic.
The Urban Infra Group is comprised of three leading media firms - Urban Infra Communication, Urban Transport News, and Metro Rail Today - working for trustworthy journalism for urban infra sectors in India.
The 3rd edition of Urban Infra Business Summit & Awards 2023 is scheduled on 10th October 2023 at India International Centre, New Delhi, India.
Nominations open for the 3rd Urban Infra Business Leadership Awards 2023. 

Click here to nominate an individual or company for the next edition of awards now!

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