Adif AV awards €85million signalling contract for Madrid – Extremadura High Speed Rail

Maria Rose Posted on: 2021-01-30 14:01:00 Viewer: 2,531 Comments: 0 Country: Spain City: Madrid

Adif AV awards €85million signalling contract for Madrid – Extremadura High Speed Rail

Madrid, Spain (Urban Transport News): The Board of Directors of Adif Alta Velocidad has awarded a contract worth 84,890,972.88 euros to the consortium (Unión Temporal de Empresas) made up of Bombardier European Investments, Alstom Transport and Indra Sistemas for the operation and maintenance of the control, command and signaling facilities, GSM-R mobile telecommunications, fixed telecommunications and protection and security facilities at Plasencia, Cáceres, Mérida, Aljucén and Badajoz stations.

The objective of this award is to adapt these facilities to the configuration of the new electrified double-track routes that are being executed between Plasencia and Aljucén, the construction of the Mérida by-pass and the remodeling of the routing scheme of the Plasencia stations, Cáceres, Mérida, Aljucén and Badajoz; all this within the framework of the actions carried out on the Madrid-Extremadura High-Speed ​​Line (LAV).

With these awards, Adif AV contributes to the achievement of the objectives and commitments of the Ministry in relation to the improvement of the Extremadura railway network.

The contract, which covers 245 km of railway line in the provinces of Cáceres and Badajoz, contemplates, among others, the following adaptation and expansion activities of the signaling and fixed telecommunications facilities:

  • Due to the duplication of track in the sections of new platform San Esteban Bifurcation-Casa de la Torre Bifurcation and Romanos Bifurcation-Peñas Blancas Bifurcation.
  • As a result of the construction of the new southern access to the Cáceres station and the new configuration of the tracks at the Plasencia, Cáceres, Mérida and Badajoz stations.

The following works will also be carried out:

  • Adaptation and expansion of GSM-R signaling, fixed telecommunications and mobile telecommunications facilities due to the construction of the Mérida by-pass.
  • Adaptation and expansion of the ERTMS Level 2 train protection system to adapt it to the new line track scheme.
  • Implementation of the digital ASFA driving assistance system on the Plasencia - Badajoz / Portuguese border section.
  • Maintenance of the new facilities.

This contract will be co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Pluriregional OP of Spain 2014-2020, Thematic Objective 7: Sustainable transport.

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