Modi's Bullet Train project going on very slow speed, only 0.9 hectares land acquired in a year

Vinod Shah Posted on: 2018-10-19 11:04:36 Viewer: 1,522 Comments: 0 Country: India City: New Delhi

Modi's Bullet Train project going on very slow speed, only 0.9 hectares land acquired in a year Image Copyright: Urban Transport News

New Delhi/Urban Transport News: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's dream project is moving ahead at the pace of a turtle. Farmers are also protesting in giving their land for the Mumbai -Ahmedabad High-Speed Bullet Train project. The speed at which the bullet train project starting from Ahmedabad to Mumbai, and the speed at which the land is being acquired, it seems that it will not be able to achieve the goal of fulfilling it on time.

According to Bloomberg's report, only 0.9 acres of land has been acquired after one year. However, according to the company working on this project, 1400 hectares of land is needed. By the year 2023, the target of completing 316 kilometers of this project is fixed to achieve. Raghbendra Jha, Professor of Economics at Australian National University, says that land acquisition in India is a common problem. For this reason, many projects have been delayed.

There is no big question about it here. I have seen many such examples. This project shows how PM Narendra Modi faces the challenges of implementing its flagship projects on railways, ports, and airports. According to the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy projects worth about 754 billion rupees can be completed by the end of September 2018, which is more than half of the target.

Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay, who writes on the political analyst and biography of PM Modi, says the project is of a very high level. It was widely publicized. It is also associated with PM Modi's image. If people are protesting, then it will harm the image of PM Narendra Modi. National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRC) is building this project.

NHSRC Spokesman Dhananjay Kumar said, "There is no shortage of funds for the project, but due to land acquisition, the delay is occurring. This project has to be operational by August 2022. It's a year before officially achieving the goal. The company is committed to protecting the interests of affected farmers. "A group of farmers affected by this project have filed petitions in the Gujarat High Court.

The court has asked the government to keep side on November 22 in this matter. In addition, the farmers have also questioned the right to land acquisition by the government for the public-private partnership project. However, the court had earlier refused to ban the land acquisition process.

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