Urban Transportation Pollution: Kolkata is the most cleanest in big cities

Krishtina D'Silva Posted on: 2018-08-30 13:14:38 Viewer: 1,565 Comments: 0 Country: India City: Kolkata

Urban Transportation Pollution: Kolkata is the most cleanest in big cities

Recently on urban transportation pollution, a report titled 'The Urban Commute and How It Contributions to Pollution and Energy Consumption', prepared by the Center for Science and Environment (CSE), was released. Key points

  • This report contains analysis of 14 cities of India including 6 mega cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and Hyderabad) and 8 metropolitan cities (Bhopal, Lucknow, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, Pune, Kochi and Vijayawada).
  • In the context of communication pollution and energy conservation, how is it that people travel in cities?
  • In this report, Kolkata has been ranked as the top performer in the form of Megashahar.
  • Bhopal is the first place in the list with the lowest overall emissions.
  • There are two cities, Delhi and Hyderabad which are at the bottom of the table based on the performance of pollution and energy usage.

National crisis

  • In this study, the cities were replaced by the basis of calculation of heat network (Co2) with urban poisonous emissions of urban transport activities, such as - Particle Matter and Nitrogen Oxides.
  • In this study, two approaches were adopted to provide space to the cities - the first is based on the overall emissions and energy consumption and the second person per person is based on emissions and energy consumption.
  • After the Bhopal in the case of overall emissions and energy consumption, Vijaywada is the place of Chandigarh and Lucknow. Kolkata, which is at sixth place on the basis of overall emission, is at the forefront with the lowest emission among six mega cities.
  • Small cities like Ahmedabad and Pune have also been lowered down from Kolkata on the basis of overall emissions.
  • On the basis of overall emissions, Delhi is at the bottom of the ranking table. Hyderabad, Bangalore and Chennai have performed slightly better than this list in Delhi.
  • According to this report, although metropolitan cities performed better than megashars due to low population, low travel volume and low number of vehicles, but due to the excessive share of private vehicle trips, they are at risk.

A better message

  • Comparing Kolkata with cities of Hong Kong and Japan, this report states that "Kolkata offers a great message that despite a demand for population growth and increasing travel, a well-established public transport culture, intensive city design, Development of motorized transport is possible with high road density and limited availability of land for parking and parking. "
  • It has been said in the report that despite the highest GDP in Mumbai, the rate of motorized transport was lower compared to other mega cities, which proves that the level of income is not the only reason for determining the population dependence on automobiles.
  • According to the report, "Both Kolkata and Mumbai cities have evolved with a unique advantage of public transport, which is based on better adjustment with existing land use pattern."
  • Earlier, in 2004, Chennai became the first city in the country to adopt a non-motorized transport (NMT) policy. The purpose of this policy is to prevent the decline of running or cycling by building a network of pavement, cycle track and greenway.

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