KPC Projects bags an order worth ₹462 crore to redevelop Gwalior Railway Station

Vinod Shah Posted on: 2022-12-24 09:25:00 Viewer: 8,489 Comments: 0 Country: India City: Gwalior

KPC Projects bags an order worth ₹462 crore to redevelop Gwalior Railway Station

New Delhi, India (Urban Transport News): The Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) has recently issued an work order worth Rs 462 crore to KPC Projects Limited to redevlop Gwalior Railway station under Indian Railways' station redevelopment scheme. 

The Gwalior Railway station will be upgraded on EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) model and redevelopment work is expected to be completed within 30 months. The letter of acceptance (LoA) is issued on 14th November 2022.

The rich cultural heritage and architecture of the city of Gwalior has been interpreted in a contemporary manner in its redevelopment plan. The geometric patterns which will be designed on the roof, will reflect over the concourse and platform by the effect of light and shadows. This will ensure the engagement of passengers will the architectural work.

As part of the redevelopment program of the Gwalior station, the new entry and exit blocks have been planned to be redeveloped being in contrast with the heritage building, which will highlight the unique heritage building even more. The station was proposed to be redeveloped at a cost of Rs 240 crore and the proposed site area for the redeveloped is approximately 2,30,425 square metres.

The entry, exit and block area has been proposed to be redeveloped in an area of approximately 9,840 square metres, while the concourse are and FOBs are likely to be developed in an area of 11,648 square metres approximately

The infrastructure of the second entry of the station has been proposed to be rebuilt, for making the station entry convenient from two sides for passengers.

All the platforms have been proposed to be covered with a single roof for providing a comfortable ambience for passengers inside the station.

The newly developed Gwalior station will also allow panoramic views of the Gwalior Fort and provide various shopping, retail, hospitality and F&B (food and beverage) facilities so that the station becomes a destination in itself, for visitors, transit passengers as well as tourists.

The Rail Land Development Authority (RLDA) is a statutory authority within the Ministry of Railways (Govt. of India) responsible for railway land and station development.

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