Consultancy bids invited for Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Rail project

Anushka Khare Posted on: 2020-06-08 09:32:13 Viewer: 2,399 Comments: 0 Country: India City: Pune

Consultancy bids invited for Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Rail project

Mumbai, India (Urban Transport News): The Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (MRIDC) invites Global Expression of Interest from Foreign/Multinational Indian Consultant/Firms/Agencies for the empanelment of Consultants for the proposed 234-km long Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Rail project.

Scope of Work

Providing Consultancy Services in connection with Proof Checking of Indian Railways Standard Specifications, Guidelines & Design parameters for various components of Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Broad Gauge Railway Line for its suitability for running of High-Speed Passenger Trains up to 250 KMPH & suggesting modifications required if any and Association during the implementation of the project as Technical Advisory Body/Consultant if required by MRIDC (Maharail).

The detailed responsibilities of the consultant include;

  • To provide consultancy services for Railway Embankment & Formation, Transverse Section & Track Structure, Railway Track Ballast, Overhead Equipment (OHE), Signalling and Telecommunication (S&T), Various Bridges, and suggesting maintenance standards & practices for these components be followed by MRIDC (Maharail).
  • Discussing details with MRIDC and to carry out a detailed study of all the relevant Indian Railways Standard Specifications and Design Parameters for various components of Railway lines.
  • Concept plan as per finalized design in consultation with MRIDC and preparation and submission of Detailed Analytical Report.
  • The design specifications of Indian Railways need to be checked with respect to prevailing UIC and other Codes used for the Railway Lines and Bridges for High-Speed Trains.
  • Check the suitability of the Standard Specifications and Design Parameters of Indian Railways for various components of Indian Railway Lines to cater Passenger trains having Speed Potential up to 250 KMPH and provide appropriate detailed explanations and analysis carried out.
  • If the Standard Specifications and Design Parameters of Indian Railways for various components of Railway Lines are not suitable for Passenger trains with Speed Potential of 250 KMPH then suitable up-gradation, modification and customization shall be provided by the consultant to suit the Indian Railway condition for satisfactory the functioning of Passenger trains with speed potential up to 250 KMPH.
  • Copy of Standard Drawings of Indian Railways will be made available while awarding the contracts.
  • Any other or all services not specifically mentioned herein but required for the proper and successful completion of the project in accordance with RDSO standards including Indian Railway Specifications or Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) etc. or as specified by MRIDC, whether applicable.
  • The consultant will arrange to provide all relevant specifications and standards that may be required for enabling Railway / RDSO / MRIDC to take or accept decisions pertaining to Works or System.
  • The consultant shall also be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the work. Mere acceptance by MRIDC shall not relieve consultants of their professional obligations to correct at their own cost any errors in their work.
  • The detailed methodology of required modifications to be carried out for various components of Railway Line should be provided. The Consultant will be required to give presentations of the detailed methodology to Railway / RDSO / MRIDC for acceptance of the analysis, designs & modifications submitted by the Consultant for getting the authentication/approvals from Railway/Approving Authority.
  • The Consultant’s representative presence is mandatory for presentations on the design and specifications submitted by the Consultant, their association/visits to the Ministry of Railways / RDSO / MRIDC offices are required until the approval process is complete.
  • Modifications/corrections required if any also need to be carried out by the Consultant for approval and acceptance by Approving Authorities.
  • The Consultant may be required to effect some modifications in the design/drawings as per the conditions encountered at the site during the execution of the work or to produce design/drawing related solutions to problems that may arise during various stages as and when so necessitated and directed by MRIDC (Maharail).
  • The Design consultant shall take utmost care to provide economical and safe design for various components of High Speed / Semi High-Speed Railway Network / Corridors duly keeping in view the requirement as per various codes and standard practices of Indian Railways.

Key Information

  • Issue Date: 08.06.2020
  • Processing Fee: Rs 25,000.00
  • Security Money Deposit: Rs 2,00,000.00
  • Start Date of downloading GEoI documents: 08.06.2020
  • Last Date & Time of submission of GEoI: 29.06.2020 before 1500 hrs.

The purpose of inviting this GEoI is to empanel eligible Foreign or Multinational Indian Firms/Agency/Consultant having experience/capability in Design of various components of Pune-Nashik Semi High-Speed Railway Line including Bridges and providing Technical Advisory Services / Consultancy Services for Railway Projects. MRIDC is implementing a broad gauge rail line project between Pune-Nashik for a route length of about 234 km.

The freight trains, as well as passenger trains, are planned to run on this system. Freight trains having an axle load of 25T at the maximum speed of 110Kmph and IR Passenger trains with an axle load of 17T will run at a maximum speed of 160Kmph. In addition to this, MRIDC has also planned to run a Broad gauge semi-high speed EMU (Electric Multiple Unit) at a speed of 200Kmph initially, to be increased to 250 kmph after the withdrawal of freight trains from the system at a later stage, after getting the additional passenger traffic potential.

Contact Point

In case of any query or clarification regarding this GEoI, the bidder may contact “Tender Cell”, Maharashtra Rail Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited (MRIDC), 2nd Floor, Hoechst House, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021, Maharashtra, India via e-mail to or

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