Bids invited for civil package-7 of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor

Anushka Khare Posted on: 2019-10-09 09:30:00 Viewer: 3,916 Comments: 0 Country: India City: Ahmedabad

Bids invited for civil package-7 of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor

New Delhi, India (Urban Transport News): The National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) which is implementing India’s first high-speed bullet train project (Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail) has issued a tender for the design and construction of double line high speed rail corridor in Gujarat.

Scope of Work

Package No. MAHSR C-7: Design and Construction of Civil and Building Works including Testing and Commissioning on Design-Build Lump Sum Price Basis for Double Line High Speed Railway involving Ahmedabad Station, Sabarmati Station, Viaduct & Bridges, Crossing Bridges (excluding fabrication and transportation of steel truss girders) and Associated works between MAHSR Km. 489.467 and MAHSR Km. 507.599 in the State of Gujarat for the Project for Construction of Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail

Key Information

  • Tender Package No.: MAHSR C-7
  • Issue Date: 08.10.2020
  • Estimated Cost of Work: NA
  • Work Completion Period: 1643 days
  • Bid Security Money: Rs 59 crore
  • Pre-bid Meeting: 06.11.2020 at 11.00 hrs
  • Dates of Submission of Bid: 29.01.2021 to 04.02.2021 (up to 15.00 hrs)
  • Opening of Technical Bid: 05.02.2021 at 15.30 hrs.

NHSRCL has received an ODA loan from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) towards the cost of the project for the construction of the high-speed bullet train corridor (Mumbai-Ahmedabad High-Speed Rail). Therefore, the Government of India through the National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) is inviting the international competitive bids (ICB) from the eligible contractors/tenderers on a lump sum price basis. The ICB will be conducted as per the JICA’s single-stage bidding procedure.

Ahmedabad HSR Junction

According to NHSRCL, Multimodal Transport Integration Scheme will be implemented at Ahmedabad HSR Junction for smooth movement of the traffic. Mechanized multilevel car parking along with disabled-friendly parking spaces will be provided. The HSR station will also be connected with the railway & metro station. Ahmedabad HSR station will be built over the existing railway platform no. 11 & 12.

To ensure seamless integration of the HSR station with other modes of rail transport, NHSRCL has designed a user-friendly station layout for Ahmedabad. An integrated Building for passenger transit is planned on east side of the existing railway station, where Passengers will be able to swiftly switch from one mode to another. This building will be equipped with escalators and elevators and will house many passenger convenience facilities like Booking office, Passenger lobby, tea/coffee kiosks and other amenities etc.

The integrated building shall provide connections to Western Railway existing foot over Bridges to facilitate passenger movement to & fro IR Platforms and underground metro station on Saraspur side.

The construction of HSR stations over existing railway lines will be quite challenging. Along the railway tracks, there are multiple utilities like platform sheds, offices, signalling and telecom cables, pipelines, electrical cables, tracks etc, which are being shifted before the commencement of the construction activities. The functional offices of Ahmedabad railway station have already been relocated. Carrying out construction activities of HSR station alongside ongoing Ahmedabad Mega metro construction, moving man & machinery over existing railway lines without disrupting passenger & cargo traffic at Ahmedabad Railway Station will also be challenging.

Sabarmati HSR Station

The under-construction Sabarmati terminal station of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor, NHSRCL has planned to develop it as a vibrant Multimodal Transport Hub in the region. To achieve seamless integration of various transport modes around the HSR station, a multi-modal transit terminal has been planned on the East side of Sabarmati HSR station which shall ensure smooth traffic flow in the influence area of HSR station.

The Multi-Modal Integration schemes focus on the integration of existing and planned transit facilities in the station area. The available Right of Way (RoW) along the existing road network has been optimally utilized for planning the inflow/outflow of estimated traffic in horizon years.

The 508.17 km Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor will connect Ahmedabad in Gujarat to Mumbai in Maharashtra. For more details about the project, please explore the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail page of Urban Transport News.

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