Exclusive Interaction with Vikram Singh, Founder & CEO, Miljayega

Anushka Khare Posted on: 2020-10-16 13:25:00 Viewer: 7,890 Comments: 0 Country: India City: New Delhi

Exclusive Interaction with Vikram Singh, Founder & CEO, Miljayega

MilJayega is a socialpreneurial venture that believes in goodness and thrives on rectitude, aiming to raise the bars of hope. In a recent interaction with Urban Transport News, Vikram Singh, Founder & CEO has explained the mission, vision and objectives of MilJayega.

First, tell us about your professional journey and which thing inspired you to establish "MilJayega", a socialpreneurial venture?

A few first-hand experiences, some second-hand stories, and numerous posts on social media, WhatsApp floats, and newspaper notices about missing people and pets unable to find their way back to families gave birth to MilJayega.

On our journey, while working towards the lost and found solution, we understood the dire need for answers to yet another social menace, the parking feuds, and road safety.

An uphill struggle with know-how, lead us to an innovative technology that has immense potential. While it can help people reunite with their belongings, it also has great utility with vehicle and owner safety.

We have been working towards these for the last 5 years and the startup has been completely bootstrapped.

Tell us about the mission, vision and objectives of your newly established venture?

At MilJayega, we envision a world full of Samaritans who can help each other find happiness through reunions.

The company aims to unify the individual, communal and government efforts with comprehensive solutions and make the world a better place.

MilJayega's objective is to develop a complete range of innovative solutions that have values for individuals, communities, businesses and government, and boost communal harmony and civic sense.

How does your innovation i.e. sticker work in finding vehicle owners of lost/or badly damaged vehicles in case of road accidents?

Our Smart Vehicle Sticker is a simple answer to vehicle and owner safety.

Each Smart Vehicle Sticker has a unique QR code that needs to be registered with owner details. Following this, if your car is in someone’s way, they can scan the same code and reach you via encrypted calls (without revealing phone number) within seconds to get your car moved. The same can work for a lost car, but this is not our USP.

The QR code also lets people reach your emergency contact via encrypted calls and displays blood group details so that people can inform the family and make way for immediate care, in case of an accident.

All this convenience, without the hassle of downloading any application, while respecting privacy.

How do you find information about vehicle owners? Do you have any tie-ups with RTO authorities?

The vehicle owners will need to get their own Smart Vehicle Stickers and register it with their details.

No, we are not tied up with any authorities but are more than willing to do so. There’s a good value for the government as well.

Tell us about the salient features of your QR-based sticker and how it works?

The Smart Vehicle Sticker helps you go from unsure to ENSURED!

It does not need any application download and hence is viable with most smartphone cameras, any scanner app, Paytm, Google lens.

The sticker facilitates unlimited encrypted calls, which makes sure that people do not have to share their contact details.

We aim to work with the government and add more value to the Good Samaritan Law by bringing up a Swift Response Team (trained individuals) to assist bystanders in arranging ambulance, police assistance, blood/donors, towing the damaged vehicle, and more.

Presently, how many states are you providing this service? Do you provide information in all languages?

We have just started and currently, our users are spread across Delhi-NCR, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra.

We are facilitating the content in English, but the language within the interface adapts to the phone language (all regional languages specific to the phone and the user).

Can anybody purchase your stickers online? If, yes. What is the procedure to get it?

Yes, anyone who needs the Smart Vehicle Sticker can order them from our website. We are also working with RWAs and communities who will make these available for all the residents.

Do you also provide information about the current driver of the Vehicle so that people can connect with the correct person in case of an emergency?

When a bystander reaches the emergency contact, in all likelihood the family will know who was driving the vehicle and can guide if or not to follow details on the sticker. If it is a friend of the family, they can relay the news further.

Also, our process suggests that the emergency contact first connects with the vehicle owner, hence if the phone at the scene rings one will know that it's the vehicle owner.

How do you maintain the privacy of such big data so that it cannot be used illegally against the vehicle owners?

In the standard format, MilJayega asks for the below details:

Vehicle owner number- Used to connect with the owner. Encrypted and NOT SHARED.

Vehicle owner name- Used to personalize, while being spoken to. DISPLAYED.

Vehicle registration number- Used in case the owner has multiple cars. Visible and DISPLAYED.

Emergency contact number- Used to inform the family in case of an accident. Encrypted and NOT SHARED.

Blood Group- Used to help arrange blood/donors in case of an accident. DISPLAYED.

None of the displayed data can be illegally used against the vehicle owners, however, we are able to customize (additional cost) it for communities or individuals. 

Any other things you want to share with us about your start-up.

MilJayega is a socialpreneurial venture that believes in goodness and thrives on rectitude, aiming to raise the bars of hope.

Our solutions include- an extensive and comprehensive platform that helps to get reunited with lost valuables and pets; a range of ItsMyThing products, designed to make all missing valuables and pets recoverable; and a Lost and Found Management Software developed to digitize the corporate efforts and increase successful handovers.

The Smart Vehicle Sticker is our first launch from the ItsMyThing product range and we are ready with all other products.

We will soon add Bluetooth and GPS devices to our solutions and make it a more profound solution.

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